#case study Safe And Secure Biodiversity conservation
GRI 304-2, 304-3

Biodiversity conservation

During the Year of the Environment, the Company carried out 42 biodiversity conservation projects aimed at protecting rare and endangered species listed in the Red Book.

in 2021,
Russian Railways also provided charitable support to maintain the population of the Amur tiger and the Far Eastern leopard
fingerlings released into rivers and the Selenga River, Lake Baikal and the Irkutsk reservoir
Jointly with administrations of specially protected territories, forestry farms, and non-governmental organisations, the Company conducted
more than 200 environmental protection events
with the involvement of its employees to clean grounds, waterfronts and parks, as well as plant trees
Protecting the forest

An ongoing video monitoring system installed in the Bolon Nature Reserve to observe the nesting sites of the Oriental stork also helps detect and prevent natural and man-made fires at a distance of up to 6 km

Key Projects
Salt licks made for wild reindeer at the Baikal Nature Reserve;
Artificial nesting sites set up for white-tailed eagle in the Kabansky Reserve and Amur falcon in the Altacheysky Reserve;
A scientific expedition undertaken to study the Baikal seals, which serve as an indicator of Lake Baikal’s environmental health;
Camera traps installed to monitor great bustards;
Monitoring studies of the Russian fritillary’s coenopopulation.