Approach to management GRI 103-2, 103-3, 403-1, 403-4

Health and safety is among the most important HR priorities for Russian Railways. The implementation of new instruments and measures to prevent workplace injuries within Russian Railways’ health and safety management system helps to reduce the annual injury frequency rates regardless of severity.

Key goals in health and safety for Russian Railways:
  • improvement of working conditions:
    • construction, upgrading and repairs of sanitary amenities and facilities;
    • equipping of heating units and lunch rooms;
    • installation, upgrading and repairs of lighting, ventilation, etc. systems;
    • equipping locomotive cabs with improved durability glasses, vibration isolated seats, etc.;
    • reduction in the share of manual labour, including work to mechanise operations, track maintenance and construction..

On an annual basis, health and safety activities account for at least 0.7% of Russian Railways’ total annual expenses by main type of activity net of the costs related to workwear, PPE, and medical check-ups.

  • State-of-the-art certified personal protective equipment helps to considerably reduce occupational morbidity and workplace injury rates. Russian Railways complies with Model Industry Standards for Free Provision of Workwear, Footwear and Other Personal Protective Equipment to Employees of Federal Railway Enterprises.
  • Reduction in workplace injury rates, inter alia, by removing employees from hazardous operating areas and by implementing technical solutions that prevent injuries.
  • Reduction in occupational morbidity. To that end, mobile occupational pathology and occupational suitability expertise centres are set up at hospitals of the railways’ sector, with modern medications and latest diagnostic and treatment equipment in place to early identify occupational diseases and take measures as needed.

The Company's environmental, industrial, and fire safety is underpinned by the following practices:

  • the Safety First rule is observed, with safety placed above other performance indicators;
  • employees receive training and improve their skills and competencies in health and safety;
  • individual and collective responsibility for compliance with health and safety principles is nourished and promoted;
  • each employee is aware of their individual responsibility for compliance with health and safety principles;
  • health and safety risks are managed.

Health and safety management system

GRI 403-3

The health and management safety system is part of the governance framework and helps ensure a comprehensive approach and a single health and safety procedure across all Company levels. Russian Railways manages health and safety at three levels: central, regional, and linear. Corporate health and safety management is the responsibility of the corporate governance centre and regional centres for corporate governance. Health and safety matters are within the remit of the Environment and Technosphere Safety Department, while at railways, these are the responsibilities of occupational health and safety functions.

Policies and procedures

The health and safety management system is aligned with the Company’s health, environmental and industrial safety policy approved by the Management Board of Russian Railways, and prioritises the lives and health of employees. The Company is guided by Vision Zero, an international concept that Russian Railways adopted in December 2017.

On an annual basis, the Company develops a list of internal regulations on health, environmental, industrial and fire safety and non-occupational injuries.

Russian Railways has more than 250 internal regulations on health and safety, which are updated on a regular basis. In 2021, the Company developed and updated 48 internal regulations on health and safety (standards, rules, instructions, etc.).

In 2021, Russian Railways took part in developing the new Rules for Training and Examination in Health and Safety Approved by Decree of the Russian Government No. 2464 dated 24 December 2021. , and considered a number of draft regulatory documents developed by the Ministry of Labour of Russia in pursuance of Federal Law No. 311-FZ On Amendments to the Labour Code of the Russian Federation dated 2 July 202.