About the report

GRI 102-1

Russian Railways Sustainable Development Report 2021 (the “Report”) highlights our contribution to the country’s economic development, well-being of employees and the general population, combating climate change and protecting the environment.

The Report is a key tool for communications on sustainable development between the Company and its stakeholders.

It provides information on:

  • the Company’s commitment to responsible interaction with its employees, consumers, business partners, and society as a whole;
  • environmental responsibility and sustainable use of natural resources;
  • management approaches i.e. specific initiatives and KPIs to ensure sustained economic, environmental, and social development of the Company.

The key theme of the 2021 Report is the Company’s environmental responsibility. Russian Railways declared 2021 a Year of the Environment, its central idea being eco-friendliness across the board. The Company puts a premium on sustainability and environmental excellence, with environmental protection integrated into all processes.

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This Report has been prepared based on the Global Reporting Initiative Standards (the “GRI Standards”), Core option. It also discloses the Company’s contribution towards the UN Sustainable Development Goals (the “SDGs”).

GRI 102–51, 102–52

The Russian Railways Sustainable Development Report 2021 is the sixteenth annual report on the Company’s sustainable development activities (pre-2014 — corporate social responsibility report). The previous Report was published in September 2021.

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Reporting period: 1 January to 31 December 2021.

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Independent professional audit certification.

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The Company determined the Report content using the applicable standards and guidelines Recommendations on Disclosure by Public Joint-Stock Companies of Non-Financial Information Pertaining to Their Activities (Annex to Information Letter of the Bank of Russia No. IN-06-28/49 dated 12 July 2021); Recommendations for the Board of Directors of a Public Joint-Stock Company to Consider ESG Factors and Sustainable Development Issues (Information Letter of the Bank of Russia No. IN-06-28/96 dated 16 December 2021); Moscow Exchange’s ESG Best Practice Guide for Issuers. in collaboration with its stakeholders. The list of material topics has been updated to reflect stakeholder needs.

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The Report was prepared under the supervision of the Russian Railways Environment and Technosphere Safety Department.