ESG ratings

An ESG rating evaluates environmental and social risks associated with the Company’s business, as well as risks related to corporate governance. We need an ESG rating to identify risks and opportunities for our long-term resilience.

Russian Railways in 2021 ESG ratings
MSCI Russian Railways received an ESG rating of B from MSCI
Sustainalytics Sustainalytics reduced Russian Railways’ ESG risk level to 23.5 out of 100 (the lower the better), which corresponds to the Medium ESG Risk.
ISS ESG ISS gave Russian Railways a Corporate ESG grade of C, decile rank 2 The decile rank indicates in which decile (tenth part of a total) the individual corporate rating ranks within its industry from 1 (highest — the company’s rating is in the first decile within its industry) to 10 (lowest — the company’s rating is in the tenth decile within its industry).
RAEX-Europe Russian Railways was included in the Top 15 of the ESG Ranking of Russian Companies 2021 by RAEX-Europe
ESG ratings