Stakeholder engagement GRI 102-21, 102-43, 102-44
The needs of Russian Railways' stakeholders are closely intertwined with the global sustainability agenda the key issues facing the transportation industry. At Russian Railways, we know that trust and open dialogue help to respond promptly to social and environmental challenges and strengthen our reputation as a responsible business domestically and worldwide. Stakeholder engagement principles.
- Transparent, reliable, and complete information about the Company’s operations.
- Focus on both external and internal stakeholders, such as employees.
- A balanced and all-inclusive approach to stakeholder interests, and prompt response to stakeholder concerns, most importantly, when it comes to government tariff regulation and active introduction of innovation.
What they expect | Engagement approach | How we engage |
Decent pay and benefits Equal professional and career growth opportunities Protection of human and civil rights in line with the Russian law Occupational health and safety Professional training and development opportunities Introduction of sustainability best practices Tackling COVID-19 impact | Ensuring decent pay Additional social benefits available under the collective bargaining agreement Establishing an efficient human capital training and development system Proactive approach to preventing the spread of COVID-19 Full compliance with employment contracts Ensuring occupational health and safety Transparency and efficient feedback Comfortable working environment and equal opportunities Environmental education and awareness raising for all staff members | Russian Railways’ Employee Service Portal (blogs, chat, news feed, Active Worker channel, surveys, and Manager's Online Desk) Communications events Corporate messengers and social media Forums and trade union meetings Hotline for Russian Railways’ employees Social surveys of the Company's employees Townhall and personal management meetings E-mail communications Corporate media (including the Gudok newspaper, RZD TV) |
What they expect | Engagement approach | How we engage |
Fair and reasonable pricing Accessible, comfortable, and reliable services Railway safety User-friendly services (ticketing, railways stations, services en route, etc.) Compliance with environmental and social responsibility standards and best practices Initiatives to prevent the spread Support during the coronavirus pandemic | High-quality and safe services Competitive pricing Railway station services Passenger transportation services Catering on board Non-financial/sustainability reporting Passenger satisfaction surveys Compliance with regulations Making COVID-19 prevention measures part of the Company's production and management processes | Passenger surveys and interviews at railway stations Russian Railways Unified Information Service Centre Enquiries via the mobile app Russian Railways’ website Unified Passenger Transportation Call Centre, part of Russian Railways Customer Support Centre Surveys at the site and on Sapsan trains Passenger satisfaction surveys Personal meetings with the public |
What they expect | Engagement approach | How we engage |
Fair and reasonable pricing High-quality offering Uninterrupted supply of products and services User-friendly services Compliance with HSE standards Support during the coronavirus pandemic and in case of changing logistics and redirected cargo flow | High-quality and safe services Competitive pricing Basic freight transportation services Transportation and logistics services related to basic freight transportation services, including public railway infrastructure services Russian Railways information services Customer satisfaction surveys Provision of a wide range of discounts and exemptions during the pandemic Introduction of sustainability best practices Calculation of the cost and environmental impact of freight transportation | Unified Freight Transportation Call Centre, part of Russian Railways Customer Support Centre Customer’s personal account RZD-Gruz 2.0 mobile app Freight section of the Russian Railways website Sales offices RZD Market platform Freight Transportation electronic trading platform ETRAN system for transportation documents Shipper satisfaction surveys |
What they expect | Engagement approach | How we engage |
Compliance with contractual obligations Transparent selection process Ethical approach to doing business | Competitive tenders SME partnership programme Engagement of contractors and suppliers in OHS Recognition and assessment of environmental requirements for products, raw materials and supplies purchased by Russian Railways’ business units | Electronic trading and procurement platform Conferences, forums, industry unions and associations RZD Partner agency delivering sector-specific information Supplier hotline Russian Railways’ website |
What they expect | Engagement approach | How we engage |
Economic and financial stability Funding and delivering green/environmental and social projects Focus on solvency and compliance with contractual obligations Solid reputation Corporate governance excellence Credit quality Transparency of information and disclosure of key facts Prudent dividend policy The Company’s sustainable development | Financial and non-financial reporting (annual report, statutory financial statements) Consolidated financial statements and sustainable development report Timely disclosure of key information on the Russian Railways’ website and on the websites of accredited news agencies Open dialogue and efficient feedback | Corporate reporting and disclosure Conferences and investor meetings E-mails, conference calls and video conferences Regular working meetings at various levels Disclosures through presentations and press releases on the website Rating agency questionnaires |
What they expect | Engagement approach | How we engage |
Statutory compliance Timely payment of taxes Social and economic development of local communities Reducing environmental impact | Statutory compliance and contribution to improving the legislative framework related to the Company’s operations Transparency of tax payments and tax disclosures Accessible and comfortable transport services Development of investment projects and infrastructure, including projects designed to reduce the Company’s environmental footprint Cooperation with federal and regional authorities Regional economic development, including investment projects, procurement, and new jobs | Participation in federal and regional events Social and economic cooperation agreements with local authorities Regular working meetings, transport coordination boards, committees, etc. Organising train days Input to the law-making process |
What they expect | Engagement approach | How we engage |
Open and meaningful dialogue Enabling a socially beneficial environment Social protection of employees and retirees | Engagement with national and international NGOs as regards achieving the UN SDGs Joint events with national and international NGOs Consideration of initiatives, including those related to federal laws governing social and employment relations Liaising with industry trade unions in ensuring social security of employees and retirees Advancement and support of education across our footprint Support of vulnerable groups, environment-related and awareness-raising projects | Participation in conferences and industry-specific events Creation of specialised RZD classes for secondary schools Support for universities as part of the Programme of Russian Railways' Interaction with Railway Universities until 2025 Regular meetings with trade unions Input to the work of educational institutions from Russian Railways’ employees Joint academic, educational, and sport events Support for non-commercial organisations |
What they expect | Engagement approach | How we engage |
Local jobs Minimising environmental impact Support in addressing social, environmental, and economic issues | Providing accessible and comfortable transport services Local employment Social infrastructure development across our regions of operation Support and emergency assistance for vulnerable people Volunteer and charity projects, philanthropy | Development of healthcare infrastructure Volunteer and charity projects Educational initiatives Promotion of sports and healthy lifestyle |