Stronger employer brand

Russian Railways ensures the consistency of its communications as an employer by conveying the key attributes of its value proposition such as scale, opportunities, technological sophistication and care.

The main goal of building a stronger employer brand is to enhance the appeal and competitiveness of Russian Railways in the labour market, while also communicating the Company’s values to the outer target audiences (job applicants, university and school students).

In 2021, Russian Railways continued promoting its Career Portal (, which had proved its efficiency as the key information platform for job applicants, university and school students. The Company launched an updated portal version with a new interface. Overall traffic exceeded 1.6 million people.

In 2021, the number of students enrolled in the RZD.GENERATION programme increased to 71,000 (up 51% y-o-y), with the participants tackling 40 challenges facing Russian Railways’ business units.

As part of the Year of the Environment agenda, the Company staged Russian Railways’ Ecothon. The event garnered over 1,000 applications, while the selected participants proposed 64 environmentally friendly solutions.

Russian Railways also held the Supply Chain Cup, a case competition bringing together 1,500 students from the leading universities to address transportation logistics challenges.

Attractive employer

Russian Railways traditionally ranks among the most attractive employers.

In 2021, the Company won the golden status in Forbes’ rating of the best Russian employers. This year’s rating placed a heavy emphasis on the companies’ efforts to reduce their carbon footprint and make a socially significant difference.

According to the Russian Public Opinion Research Centre (VCIOM), Russian Railways holds the second place in the people’s rating of the most attractive Russian employers for the third year running.

An employer attractiveness survey among students of the Russian universities shows that the Company tops the FutureToday and Changellenge ratings in the logistics category.