Anti-corruption promotion programme

To foster responsible behaviour among the Company’s employees and ensure compliance with the ethical standards that forbid illegal corruption-related activities, in December 2020, the Company approved a Comprehensive Anti-Corruption Promotion Programme for 2021–2023 No. 1955 dated 24 December 2020. to be integrated into the current anti-corruption action taken by the Company’s business units.

For the purpose of raising awareness, the Programme leverages corporate TV, press, intranet, internet, digital learning courses, visual campaigns, themed videos, posters, leaflets, quick guides, booklets and brochures.

Anti-corruption insights and updates regularly appear in the Gudok newspaper and newspapers for passengers, while Russian Railways’s anti-corruption portal and the Group’s career portal ( provide a detailed explanation of the Company’s anti-corruption rules.

Promotion of anti-corruption practices is included in the agendas of key events under Russian Railways’ Youth (2021–2025) programme (Youth Mentoring, Russian Railways’ Volunteers, Annual Youth Conference of Russian Railways).

The Company also conducted a survey to explore how Russian Railways’ employees perceive its anti-corruption activities. The findings showed that the majority of respondents (61%) consider the Company’s anti-corruption policy to be effective, including 11% who noted positive developments in 2021 and 88% who said that they knew what to do when encountering a potential corruption situation.

To make its anti-corruption activities open and transparent, the Company publishes regular updates in the Anti-Corruption section of its website. The Company’s employees can also access all anti-corruption regulations, rules, guidelines and updates from their personal accounts on the Service Portal.