Environmental transparency and disclosure

As a major natural resource user covering the territory of 77 Russian regions, the Company is continuously working on reducing its environmental footprint.

As an environmentally responsible company, Russian Railways contributes to the protection of the environment and is committed to voluntary environmental stewardship. As part of its contribution to environmental development, Russian Railways adheres to the principle of enhanced transparency and openness by disclosing its strategy and operating results in non-financial reporting. To demonstrate its environmental commitment to stakeholders, the Company prepares and publishes annual sustainable development reports.

In order to respect the constitutional right of individuals to have access to information on the environment and to increase the effectiveness of public control and transparency of data on environmental safety, Russian Railways has approved its Internal Environmental Transparency Regulations. The Regulations define the principles, forms and transparency requirements for information related the Company’s environmental footprint. The Company has established a general procedure for responding to public inquiries about its impact on the environment, as well as the environmental information disclosure procedure that governs environmental disclosure by Russian Railways’ units. In addition, information on the Company’s environmental efforts is disclosed and from time to time is updated using Russian Railways’ information resources.

Calculating the environmental footprint of a trip

Russian Railways’ official website offers the functionality for calculating the environmental footprint of a trip in the ticket purchasing section. Customers can access charts that show resource and fuel consumption, CO2, SO2, NO2, non-methane hydrocarbon and particulate pollutant emissions by trains, planes and cars. It is obvious from the charts that railways are more environmentally friendly across all parameters.