Supporting employees amid the COVID-19 pandemic

  • In 2020, the Company introduced remote working for over 115 thousand employees in no time, while keeping their jobs and taking security measures.
  • The Group provided its employees with personal protective equipment and carried out disinfection measures in line with recommendations issued by the Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing (Rospotrebnadzor).
  • To protect employees performing the most specific railway functions, we organised their transportation by company vehicles.
  • Russian Railways set up a 24-hour hotline to advise company staff on issues related to the spread of the coronavirus infection and created volunteer teams to support our veterans and employees in need.
  • Railway workers took an active part in the immunisation programme: by late 2021, more than 88% of employees at Russian Railways were vaccinated, herd immunity exceeded 93%, 22% of employees underwent revaccination.