Participation of the Board of Directors in sustainable development management GRI 102-26

Sustainable development management is an essential part of the Board’s activities. Within its scope of authority, the Board of Directors reviews and approves the Company’s regulatory documents and monitors their implementation.

In 2021, the Board adopted the following resolutions on sustainable development matters:

  • to approve Russian Railways’ investment programme for 2022–2024, which provides for a number of investment projects to improve the lives of Russian citizens, create a comfortable and safe environment for life and development of tourism (infrastructure development projects at Central and St Petersburg transport hubs, and the South cluster);
  • to approve the size of Russian Railways’ charity and sponsorship fund and the key initiatives to be supported;
  • to donate social, educational, sports and cultural facilities to municipal and regional public law entities.

The Board of Directors regularly reviews reports on the implementation of the Charity and Sponsorship Policy, the Group’s Comprehensive Innovative Development Programme, and the Consolidated Programme to Improve Operational Efficiency.

In 2021, the Strategic Planning Committee of the Board of Directors considered Russian Railways’ draft Environmental Strategy through 2030.

Board of Directors
Role of the Board of Directors and the management in overseeing the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals
GRI 102-19
UN Sustainable Development Goals Role of the Board of Directors and the management

Goal 3.

Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages.

Russian Railways’ Healthy Lifestyle Concept for 2020–2025 (approved by Resolution No. 40 of the Management Board dated 6 June 2020).

Goal 4.

Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.

Russian Railways’ Action Plan to Enhance the Quality of School Education Provided by Educational Institutions through 2030 (approved by Russian Railways’ Order No. 658/r dated 30 March 2021)

The Framework for the Reform of the Russian Railways Preschool and School Education for 2017–2020 (Minutes No. 9 dated 11 September 2017).

Goal 8.

Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.

In 2019, Russian Railways’ Long-Term Development Programme until 2025 was approved in order to achieve the national goals and strategic objectives of the Russian Federation.

Its provisions are fleshed out in the financial plan and investment programme for 2022–2024 (Minutes No. 8 dated 23 December 2021).

Goal 9.

Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialisation and foster innovation.

Russian Railways’ investment programme for 2022–2024 (Minutes No. 8 dated 23 December 2021) aims at developing and upgrading the railway infrastructure of the Russian Federation, including in major metropolitan areas.

Goal 11.

Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.

Goal 12.

Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns.

The Board of Directors approved the Consolidated Programme to Improve Operational Efficiency and Optimise Costs in 2019–2025 (Minutes No. 20 dated 28 June 2019).

Reports on the programme implementation are reviewed by the Board of Directors on a regular basis.

Goal 13.

Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.

The Board of Directors approved the Group’s Comprehensive Innovative Development Programme through 2025 (Minutes No. 13 dated 26 February 2020), which contains a set of measures (including KPIs) aimed at improving energy efficiency and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Reports on the programme implementation are reviewed by the Board of Directors on a regular basis.

The Board’s Strategic Planning Committee reviewed Russian Railways’ draft Environmental Strategy through 2030 ahead of its consideration by the Company’s Board of Directors.