To the Personnel Development section

Ratios of standard entry level wage compared to local minimum wage
GRI 202-1
Region Local minimum wage, RUB Minimum wage at Russian Railways, RUB Ratio, % Comments
Russia Statutory minimum wage as at 1 January – RUB 12,792 1 January – RUB 12,792 100 Employees of Russian Railways who have worked the required standard hours and met the required labour standards in the respective period are paid extra payments to bring their wages on par with the minimum wage established in the respective Russian region
Smolensk Region 1 January – RUB 12,792 1 January – RUB 12,792 100
Saratov Region 1 January – RUB 12,792 1 January – RUB 12,792 100
Sverdlovsk Region 1 January – RUB 12,792 1 January – RUB 12,792 100
Novgorod Region 1 January – RUB 12,792 1 January – RUB 12,792 100

New employee hires in 2021 by category, gender and age
GRI 401–1
Total new hires in 2021 Men Women Under 30 30–35 36–50 Over 50
Total across Russian Railways 80,295 56,338 23,957 44,097 9,592 19,321 7,285
Graduates 3,954 2,657 1,297 3,953 1 0 0
Discharged servicemen 1,501 1,501 0 1,501 0 0 0
Interns and apprentices 7,240 5,579 1,661 7,210 19 11 0
Seasonal workers 7,205 2,974 4,231 3,091 493 1,821 1,800

Composition of governance bodies and breakdown of employees per employee category according to gender, age group, minority group membership, and other indicators of diversity
GRI 405-1
2020 2021
Managers Office workers Technical workers Managers Office workers Technical workers
Headcount 57,015 211,536 454,969 54,919 198,711 442,666
by gender
Men 40,751 79,151 382,967 40,319 76,939 372,619
Women 16,264 132,385 72,002 14,600 121,772 70,047
by age group
Under 30 5,012 43,408 104,831 4,519 38,913 95,923
30–50 40,449 129,775 267,286 38,924 121,871 262,786
Over 50 11,554 38,353 82,852 11,476 37,927 83,957
by vulnerable group membership
People with disabilities 247 1,389 2,125 262 1,505 2,371