Personnel structure and turnover GRI 102-8

As at the end of 2021, Russian Railways had 696.3 thousand employees. The share of employees under 35 years of age was 36.9% of the total headcount, which is in line with the targets of Russian Railways Human Capital Development Programme until 2025. The share of employees with higher education was 33.1%, those with secondary vocational education – 28.1%, and employees with secondary (complete and incomplete) and first-level vocational education – 38.8%.

Age structure | %
Education | %
Gender composition | %
Personnel categories | %

In 2021, 80.3 thousand people were hired, including 6.7 thousand graduates of industry higher and secondary vocational education institutions, as required by Russian Railways’ branches.

The staff turnover rate is one of the key performance indicators for the Company’s officers.

The staff turnover threshold is set at 8% as per the internal calculation methodology. The indicator is consistently below the threshold: in 2021, it was within the set target values and amounted to 7.7%.

Russian Railways monitors employee turnover by separate unit on an ongoing basis. In addition, the Company carries out a detailed analysis of the reasons behind staff turnover in the first year of employment, by personnel category, and by age group (under 35 years of age). Questionnaires filled out by quitting and dismissed employees are used to collect data on staff turnover causes and develop roadmaps and retention programmes.

New hires by gender and age | persons
GRI 401–1
Personnel turnover
GRI 401-1