Engagement with stakeholders on anti-corruption
As part of the Company’s relations with the government authorities, expert and business communities, Russian Railways is represented on expert task forces of the Prosecutor General’s Office, the Russian Ministry of Labour and Social Protection, the Anti-Corruption Compliance and Business Ethics Council of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, and Rosstandart’s technical committee on the development of the Anti-Corruption Activities standard.
These efforts provided a tailwind for the initiatives aimed at the improvement, harmonisation and application of legislation, promotion of anti-corruption practices and the development of incentives for organising, digitalising and automating anti-corruption procedures.
Russian Railways participates in the Anti-Corruption Rating of Russian Business awarded by the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs based on compliance with the ISO 37001:2016 international anti-corruption standard (Anti-bribery management systems – Requirements with guidance for use) and the provisions of the Russian Anti-Corruption Charter for Business.
Similarly to the previous year, in 2021 Russian Railways was assigned the top A1 rating as a company with the highest level of anti-corruption efforts and a minimum level of corruption risks associated with a minimum threat to investors, creditors, business partners, and other stakeholders.