Ensuring equal rights for employeesGRI 406-1

In its operations, Russian Railways adheres to the principles of the UN Global Compact and the Social Charter of the Russian Business developed by the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP). The Company strictly complies with the Russian labour and civil laws and builds relations with employees based on mutual respect and commitment. The Company encourages and supports the social and cultural diversity of its employees, providing them with equal opportunities for employment, remuneration and promotion regardless of their differences and beliefs.

In accordance with Russian Railways’ Code of Business Ethics, heads of the Company’s branches and business units ensure equal rights and opportunities for all persons when they apply for a job or work their way up the career ladder, regardless of their gender, age, race, nationality, language, origin, financial and employment status, place of residence, religious and political beliefs. The Company takes a tolerant attitude towards ideological, personal and physiological differences of its employees.

Russian Railways does not tolerate harassment, insults, threats, or psychological abuse.

In the event of human rights violations or discrimination, employees are entitled to contact the Hotline and make a complaint.

GRI 405-1

Headcount by employee gender, age and category is provided in the Annexes section.

New career opportunities for women

The Company considers changes in the list of jobs available to women to be an important step towards equal opportunities.

Since 1 January 2021, the list includes assistant drivers on certain types of traction stock. In 2021, 61 women completed training to become assistant drivers, with all graduates currently employed at the Company. Five women applied for training as drivers. During a six-month practice-oriented course, they acquired basic theoretical knowledge as well as practical skills.

In November 2021, the women successfully passed the Company’s internal tests and an exam for a rolling stock driver’s licence at the Federal Transportation Inspection Service to be awarded the electric train driver qualification.

The Russian Railways Group worked hard to prepare the infrastructure and rolling stock for the return of women to the profession. To that end, we:

  • identified the routes and types of rolling stock for female drivers,
  • created comfortable conditions for work and rest between shifts,
  • designed and made uniforms,
  • developed a special social package.

Many other occupations that had traditionally been associated with men are available for women at the Company, from truck driver to overhead lines repair person.