Performance highlights

In 2021, we recorded a gradual recovery in economic activity after a significant slowdown in 2020.

The year saw an increase in demand for railway transportation with freight handling and turnover growing by 3.2% and 3.1% y-o-y, respectively. The key driving force behind passenger transportation recovery was the relaxation of pandemic-related restrictions. Passenger turnover rose by 32.4% to 103.4 bn pkm, with 1,054 m people transported.

GRI 102-45

The concerted efforts of all units of Russian Railways helped achieve growth in operating and key financial indicators. In 2021, we recorded an increase in both revenue and profit. Cost optimisation and robust debt portfolio management helped generate a net profit of RUB 18.8 bn against RUB 0.3 bn in 2020.

Operating results

Freight handling | mt
Freight turnover | bn tkm
Passenger turnover | bn pkm
Passengers transported | m people

Financial results Under RAS.

Income | RUB bn
Income from transportation | RUB bn
Net profit | RUB bn

Sustainability metrics

GHG emissions per transportation volumes | kg of CO2 equivalent / 10 thousand
Health and safety improvement expenses | RUB bn
Emissions from stationary sources | kt
Charity expenses | RUB bn
Average monthly salary across all operations | RUB
Investment in environmental protection | RUB bn
Performance highlights